
07 November 2023

Braxton Hicks; Your body's rehearsal for birth.

Experiencing pregnancy brings a whole myriad of feelings, sensations, and even a few rehearsals! Yes, rehearsals. We’re talking about Braxton Hicks contractions - those curious, sometimes confusing, practice contractions that many expectant mamas feel. Let's unpack what they are, why they matter...

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06 November 2023

Why you need Magnesium & Syricalm™ during your pregnancy.

THE PURE MAMA ADVANTAGE. Pregnancy is a miraculous journey, but it can also be accompanied by a host of uncomfortable symptoms. From restless legs...

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10 October 2023

The battle to normalise the good and the hard side of pregnancy

Yarra Trams and The Australian Government shut the PURE MAMA campaign down and here's why... So, here’s something that blows our mind. In our attem...

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04 October 2023

Six reasons to enjoy skin-to-skin

Pure Mama recently sat down with one of Australia's most renown midwife & lactation consultants Joelleen Winduss Paye, to learn why skin-to-ski...

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03 August 2023

Mama Master Series - Gina Urlich

Meet Gina Urlich, a beacon of light and an advocate of evidence-based nutrition. With a tonne of experience as well as a deep understanding of the ...

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